Creatures of Compromise by Maria Cannon
As we walked through the goat farm looking at the hundreds of adorable baby goats we learned the ways of a goat family. The hierarchy, the jobs each one has within the herd, the leader, his guards, the herd guards, the partners.
When I glanced to my left and saw the head of a small goat completely stuck in the fence. His horns were preventing him from backing out the same way he got his head in. He had gone too far, the farmer told us that it happens every day, and pointed out a few that were notorious for getting stuck, even though they had been stuck many times before, and they could die if no one came to help, or if a predator got to them first.
To release them the farmer had to twist their head and neck so far that I had to turn away, sure it was going to break its neck before finally getting each horn free from the fence.
In the same way, it’s the tiniest of compromises that lead us into sin. The tiny feels comfortable. We think we can control the small “just for a second, or a minute, or this time” kind of compromise. But then that minute leads us straight into believing we can venture again, one more time, one more bite, drink, call, one more look, one more day. We are so busy with rationalizing and convincing ourselves that we are in control that we are too far into the trap to get out without losing something.
Like this goat with its head in the fence. I pray that we listen to that small voice. That it becomes a blaring microphone in our hearts, to stop BEFORE we get stuck. To see the tiny compromises that can be just as dangerous as walking straight into the fire. That we learn to trust God's boundaries and laws for us.
Photos by Maria Cannon
But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed.”
James 1:14