His Harvest. by Maria Cannon
“Sow Righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the Lord, until He comes and showers His righteousness on you.” -
Hosea 10:12
For the last nine years, our small front yard was an eyesore of dirt and dead-withering brown plants in mismatched broken pots, hidden among the knee-high weeds—a first glimpse into the disorder and pain inside our home.
Before. Photo by Maria Cannon
When the Covid-19 quarantine started in March, the Lord distinctly told me to clear away the dead plants. I was instantly excited, committed, and driven by my assignment. Every day He showed me what to do and how to do it. My body was slow and weak from several years of healing. As I did a few hours each day, I could feel my muscles waking up to complete each task.
With every weed that I pulled and every pot I clumsily drug through the dirt with my small furniture dolly, I felt my body come alive. Layers of heaviness began to lift.
I trusted Him. Every old plant had a new place; the dead and broken thrown away.
At first, I wanted to do it alone, but when I had to accept help from friends who brought large bags of soil and did some heavy lifting for me, I realized again that this was His garden, His plan.
Within a week, the old plants were thriving, some blooming for the first time in years. New life even came from the garage as I dug out an old umbrella, my Thrift Store metal cross, wind chimes, and a strand of white lights; everything fit His plan.
The two new red chairs I purchased are a constant invitation to come outside, sit with a friend, and say welcome.
My grandkids helped me plant the vegetables. Without any understanding of soil depth or distance, we gleefully and expectantly planted.
I love the way the soil smelled when I watered each day and I rejoiced with each sprout as I carefully watched as a garden grew.
Five carrots grew out of hundreds of tiny seeds, a few beautiful beets, and tomatoes that surprisingly looked like “real” vegetables. And tonight, as I looked at my bowl of beautiful green lettuce leaves, my heart was full.
I hadn’t cared so much about what I planted, only that I planted, and the Lord harvested such rich rewards for me to share.
Joy, Hope, Patience, Strength were his gifts to me. He called me there and blessed me every day in the process. And even more now, as I look at His creation.
After. Photo by Maria Cannon
“I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.“
1 Corinthians 3:6